5 Tips for surviving Christmas & not gaining weight!
Ek! How do you get through Christmas and not gain a dress size!? It's all about giving yourself 'permission'! Let's face it, with the...
The mindset of a start/stop dieter!
Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of losing weight and gaining weight? Has this spanned decades or your entire lifetime? I call this...
How to find your key for lasting weight loss!
After nearly 23 years as a weight loss coach I have heard every reason why women gain weight, but if we look beyond the superficial, it...
Why you really make bad food choices
Weight can be the number one challenge many women face over their lifetime and there is a reason for that. You can walk away from any...
The Payoffs to Staying Overweight & Why We Self-Sabotage
In my recent vlog I spoke about the payoffs for not losing weight, if you missed it you can view it here. While there’s a payoff to...
2 Secret tips to kick-start your weight loss!
Over the last two weeks, I shared with you two tips to kick-start your weight loss, but they are so important that I wanted to summarize...
What does it take to keep weight off for life?
Weight loss is only half the battle, in fact I’d say it’s the easy part, keeping it off is something entirely different and it takes a...
Think Yourself Slim – It’s not only possible, it’s necessary for overcoming yo-yo dieting!
'Where the mind goes the body follows' I believe we are an outer expression of what’s going on inside; if we are stressed it shows, if we...
My #1 piece of advice about dieting – and it’s not what you think!
As a weight loss coach, I’m often asked what my number one piece of advice is for people starting a weight loss journey. My advice is...

The Psychology Of Weight Loss
Weight loss is not about food – it’s about self-love and rituals. Globally, weight loss is a $US580 billion a year industry, but ninety...