Raw Strawberry Cheesecake, your guilt free Christmas Indulgence!

Down here in the southern hemisphere, nothing tastes like Christmas more than a plump, deep red, sweet, succulent strawberry. However, we may be serving up way more than we realise this Christmas! We may be serving up a cocktail of toxic chemicals! According to the USDA 99% of strawberries tested in 2014/2015 contained at least 1 detectable pesticide. 29% contained at least 10 and the worst contained 21. These included nerve gas, carcinogens and a hormone disruptor known to damage the male reproductive system banned by the European Union due to its intense toxicity.

The great news is it’s easy to find spray free and/or organic strawberries at most farmers markets, and even most supermarkets stock frozen organic strawberries.
Here’s my low-carb, healthy-fat Raw Strawberry Cheesecake Recipe, so you can enjoy a guilt-free dessert this Christmas! View Video here.
Strawberry Jelly Cheesecake
Ingredients: Base 2 cups of raw brazil nuts ½ cup fine desicated coconut ½ cup coconut oil 12 Medjool dates
Filling 1 cup of whizzed strawberries, either frozen, thawed and whizzed or freshly whizzed strawberries 1 ½ cups crème fraiche (there is a recipe for homemade crème fraiche below) 1 tsp vanilla ½ cup maple syrup 5 sheets of gelatine Top 1 to 2 cups of fresh strawberries 375 mls of clear apple or grape juice 4 sheets of gelatine
In a food processor, grind together all your base ingredients, then pack down evenly in a dessert dish with floating bottom. Or into 6 to 8 mason jars, depending on size. You want the base around 1 cm thick once pressed down.
Place into the freezer to set while you make the filling.
Soak your gelatine sheets in cold water to soften.
Mix together your cultured cream or crème fraiche, along with your maple syrup and vanilla, then set aside.
Gently heat your berries until 60 degrees, just warm to touch, then place your soaked gelatine in and mix well.
Combine your strawberry and gelatine mix with your cream mixture and stir well to combine.
Place back in the freezer to set for an hour or 2. Ensure it is level!
Begin by cleaning and preparing your berries but trimming stalks and cutting in half lengthwise (leave raspberries whole), and layer on top of your set cheesecake.
Place your gelatine sheets in water to soften.
Gently heat your juice until it is warm to touch but not hot.
Drain your gelatine sheets and dissolve into your apple juice.
Gently pour the apple juice on top of the layered strawberries taking care not to stir or melt the cheesecake. Set your jelly and cheesecake in the refrigerator for at least one hour, or overnight.
Keep chilled until ready to serve. Gently remove your cheesecake from the base and decorate with fresh berries and fresh crème fraiche to serve.
View video here! Homemade Crème fraiche 500 mls fresh cream 3 tbsp. cultured buttermilk (Tararua)
Mix together your cream and cultured buttermilk in a sealed glass jar, and place on your bench top overnight or up to 24 hours, until thick and slightly soured.
Shake a little to thicken, then store in the refrigerator. It will keep for 2-3 weeks.
ENJOY! Love, Deborah