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About Deborah

About Deborah



Holistic weight loss

Life coaching

Digestive wellness

Food allergies & intolerance

Healthy cooking / meal planning

Diet and Detoxification

Elimination diets

Deborah Murtagh has dedicated the past 23 years to researching whole foods nutrition and ancestral eating.


Deborah is a regular columnist for Fitness Journal and Holistic Health Magazine, an international magazine with an estimated 1 million readers.

Deborah is also a Strategic Interventionist having trained with the Robbins (Tony) Mandanes Training Institute in Life Coaching and Human Needs Psychology. She is passionate about educating clients to take a holistic approach; for wellness to occur she says, we must address the mental, emotional, spiritual and the physical.

After 20 years in clinical practice specializing in gut and bowel health and weight loss, Deborah concluded three things: We are not only what we eat, but what we think and feel as well.

Over the past three years Deborah has been developing a range of online courses and has thousands of students in over 47 countries around the world.

Deborah's specialty programs are Ketogenic dietary protocols. She has a private consultancy specialising in weight loss and nutritional coaching for chronic diseases including cancer.

Deborah has inspired thousands of people to see that real healthy food is totally delicious and simple to prepare. She teaches students how to nourish the body with natural, traditional whole foods with a focus on body ecology and immune health.

As a holistic weight loss coach Deborah feels we are on the outside an inner expression of how we feel on the inside. As we shift our inner world the outer world changes. She has coached thousands of clients to lose weight and is passionate about the psychology of weight loss.

"Life coaching becomes an integal part of any body transformation if we want to create lasting change. Our mindset and personal relationship we have with our body is one and the same; to change our body we must change our mind." Says Deborah​

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